As a Progress Pod Leader, you agree to...
1. Uphold the values and special character of the membership.
2. Encourage your Progress Pod participants to seek answers from within the membership by posting their questions in the main community.
3. Follow the Progress Pod Meeting Checklist that is downloadable in
4. Implement any new processes that the Membership Owner or Progress PodAdministrator has decided will improve the running of the Progress Pods.
5. Attend the monthly Progress Pod Leaders Meetings or watch the replays of any meetings you cannot attend.
6. Inform the Pod Leader Administrator of any challenges you may have with the participants in your Pod.
7. Remove from your Progress Pod any person who unsubscribes from the membership. This may also require that you change your Zoom link from time to time.
8. Treat everyone in the group respectfully.
9. Keep the details of the group discussions confidential.
10. Gain consent in writing to use any intellectual property that belongs to others in the group before using it.
Note: If you choose to be a Progress Pod Leader it is assumed that you have accepted this agreement.